Department of Energy Announces $15 Million for 4 Projects in Data-Driven Grid Management
February 27, 2019 | back to news
The Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) at the U.S. Department of Energy recently (2/14) announced $15 million in funding for four new projects as part of its seventh OPEN+ cohort, Data-Driven Grid. This cohort will focus on new ways to apply emerging data analytics and information technologies to grid management, helping to prepare the U.S. power system for the energy sources and consumers of tomorrow.
Projects will apply concepts like machine learning and peer-to-peer cryptography to build new tools to share data, boost efficiency, and mitigate grid emergencies. If successful, the cohort will advance our understanding of a changing grid, allowing for greater integration of new resources like renewables and energy storage.
The complete list of OPEN+ Data-Driven Grid projects can be found
here. Visit the ARPA-E
blog for a full rundown of OPEN+ projects.
Source: Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy (ARPA-E)